Error Hash (%ars_errhash) Structure

This hash contains any error, warning or informational messages that are returned from the C API or Perl API. It is reset whenever you call an ARSperl function. Therefor, you should examine it after calling an ARSperl function and before calling another ARSperl function.
  "numItems"    => integer,
  "messageType" => reference to an array of integers,
  "messageNum"  => reference to an array of integers,
  "messageText" => reference to an array of strings

There are two ways of accessing this information:

This will format the information for you.

	print "$ars_errstr\n";

This is the equivalent behind the scenes code.

    my(%mTypes) = ( 0 => "OK", 1 => "WARNING", 2 => "ERROR", 3 => "FATAL",
                    4 => "INTERNAL ERROR",
                   -1 => "TRACEBACK");

    for($i = 0; $i < $ARS::ars_errhash{numItems}; $i++) {
        printf("[%s] %s (ARERR \#%d)\n",

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Last changes to this page 16th July 1997 by